I'm a Software Engineer in the Laboratory for Advanced Visualization & Applications (LAVA) at the University of Hawai`i at Manoa. I worked as a research assistant in the lab through my undergraduate and graduate programs and I am now the Senior Software Engineer in the lab. I work on various projects pertaining to full stack web applications, VR/AR, data visualizations, human computer interaction, and 3D graphics. I also conduct tours of the lab for VIPs ranging from state legislators, Hollywood producers/directors, visiting researchers, and students of all ages.

I'm highly interested in full stack development, HCI, VR/AR, and computer graphics.

Resume - GitHub - LinkedIn







NodeJS / Express











Visual Studio Code


HTC Vive


Hololens 2



A full-stack web application utilizing React, NodeJS, Redis, and Python to enable users to work collaboratively in a synchronized web application. The goal of the project is to enable data scientists to work together and to have everyone on the same page while allowing them to seamlessly leverage AI tools in the backend.


Destiny CyberCANOE

The Destiny Class Cyber Canoe is a Hybrid Virtual Reality Environment that provides a stereoscopic resolution of 17280x7680 using OLED displays that provides the highest resolution display in the world. On this project I helped develop the API that allows researchers to easily interface with the system. I've also developed multiple projects for the system.


A tool for VTK to stream real-time data visualizations from render servers to web Browers, VR headsets, AR headsets, and mobile devices. As data sets become larger the data visualizations that represent them become increasingly more difficult to render on consumer grade computers. DynaCOVE allows users to render the visualizations remotely and see them on their underpowered devices locally.


Hawaii Advanced Visualization Energy Nexus (HAVEN) is a platform to help policymakers analyze and make informed decisions regarding Hawaii’s clean energy transformation. The HAVEN platform coordinates environmental, reliability, resiliency and economic goals using data visualization tools to clarify complex problems.

HECO ProjecTable

A projection mapping environment for the HAVEN project which projects dynamic land use data onto a physical 3D representation of different Hawaiian islands. Developed for the Hawaii State Energy Office and was showcased at 2019 NASEO Energy Policy Outlook Conference.


SatWatch is a Virtual Reality program that allows users to view live satellite data. Utilizing the HTC Vive, Unity, and data provided by Celestrak I created an environment that gives users a brief overview of how satellites orbit the earth and information about different satellite groups.

Point Clouds

Within Destiny we have multiple Point Cloud datasets users can explore. Data is provided from UH Hilo and other sources. For this project I had to write a new Point Cloud shader and Point Cloud Loader for Unity that was optimized for the Destiny setup.


EDM Cube

Electronic Dance Music Cube is a music-based video game where the user has to dodge the incoming beat blocks and survive to the end of the song. It was developed using Unity and was developed for LAVA's large display wall called Innovator.

Destiny Google Earth

Utilizing Google Earth's Liquid Galaxy and LAVA's Destiny Class CyberCANOE we have the highest resolution demo of Google Earth running in the world.


Evolutionary Shaders

This paper presents an approach to generate new shaders for Unity3D with evolutionary algorithms. The program described in this paper produces new shaders with genetic programming and has a user selecting individuals to produce the next generation. By utilizing Unity3D, a very popular 3D game engine, users are able to incorporate the newly generated shaders into their own Unity applications. This paper gives a brief description of shaders, genetic programming, and Unity3D. It also discusses the project’s initial design, issues, and future design ideas
